Posts Tagged ‘UV Cabinet’

UV Cabinet

August 4th, 2014

Ultraviolet light is, by definition, light with shorter wavelengths than the light which may be observed by the human eye. UV light is consists of three components

  • UVA, consisting of light with a wavelength between 400 and 320 nm;
  • UVB, consisting of wavelengths between 320 and 290 nm; and
  • UVC, with wavelengths between 290 and 200 nm,

For disinfection purposes, the optimal wavelengths reside within the UVC range. Ultraviolet light has been used in the Research Laboratory as an Effective Germicide and Virucide. UV light is a fairly efficient disinfectant for most vegetative organisms and viruses.

Mainly UV cabinets are used for Chromatographic analysis by Ultraviolet fluorescence. These Cabinets used for viewing Chromatogram combines both long and short wave Ultraviolet Lights and also White Light in a compact table-top unit. This self-contained unit is designed for easy viewing and making of Chromatograms and also for general Florescence Studies. The Cabinets have powerful UV Lights which serve to denature Nucleic Acids in 5 to 30 minutes making them unsuitable for Amplification and Contamination of PCR reactions. These lights are timer controlled and there are safety switches on the Cabinet Doors which automatically turn-off the UV lights when opened to prevent user exposure to UV light.

The Cabinets also act as an efficient shield against beta radioactive emissions and can therefore be safely used with Isotopes, such as 32P. The Cabinet’s White Light provides excellent visibility when working inside them. And these Polypropylene Cabinet resists cracking and discoloration under extended exposure to UV light, as well as acids and other chemicals. Fan/filter module provides continuous wash of HEPA-filtered air to remove contaminants


  • Long wave (Ultraviolet) component; Fluorescing spots on chromatograms can locate compounds like dye stuffs, vanillin’s flavones, alkaloids etc.
  • Short wave (Ultraviolet) component; Detects Compounds, such as Barbiturates, Purine and Pyrimidine derivatives, PHT-Amino Acids, DNP -Amino Acids and Steroids.
  • Denature Nucleic Acids in 5 to 30 minutes making them unsuitable for Amplification and Contamination of PCR reactions.
  • In detection of traces of minerals, study of old inspections.